La BOAD doit faire preuve d’audace

13/11/2013 14/02/2014
La BOAD doit faire preuve d’audace

Le président du Bénin et de l’UEMOA, Thomas Boni Yayi, a ouvert mercredi à Lomé le colloque organisé à l’occasion du 40e anniversaire de la Banque ouest-africaine de développement (BOAD), dont le siège se trouve au Togo

Le président du Bénin et de l’UEMOA, Thomas Boni Yayi, a ouvert mercredi à Lomé le colloque organisé à l’occasion du 40e anniversaire de la Banque ouest-africaine de développement (BOAD), dont le siège se trouve au Togo.

Il avait à ses côtés pour l’occasion les chefs d’Etat du Togo, du Mali, du Niger et le président de l’institution Christian Adovelande.

‘40 ans c’est l’âge de la maturité pour faire des projections sur l’avenir. Notre institution n’a pas démérité. Elle a marqué d’une empreinte indélébile la vie sociale et économique de notre espace grâce à ses financements dans l’agriculture, l’énergie ou les infrastructures’, a déclaré M. Boni-Yayi.

Reste, selon lui, à relever plusieurs défis : renforcer sa mission de banque régionale d’investissement en finançant davantage la création d’entreprise, les infrastructures, créer un pôle de financement pour l’élimination de la pauvreté, créer un fonds de participation pour promouvoir l’entreprise et l’emploi, doter la BOAD d’un outil d’intégration régional.

Le président du Bénin a appelé la BOAD a faire preuve d’audace en participant encore davantage au financement des projets publics au sein des économies des 8 pays membres et en favorisant le partenariat public-privé (PPP).

Pour le président du Togo, Faure Gnassingbé, ‘La Banque dispose des instruments capable d’appuyer les Etats dans leurs efforts de développement. La BOAD est aujourd’hui une banque plus forte, de référence mondiale capable de financer les projets intégrateurs », 

Message reçu 5/5 par Christian Adovelande, le président de la BOAD : ‘Notre institution commune doit être LE partenaire de choix pour les Etats et le secteur privé de l’UEMOA’.

La BOAD est l’institution commune aux Etats membres de l’Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine (UEMOA).

Si à l’origine, l’établissement finançait exclusivement des projets émanant du secteur public, depuis 1980, un appui est également accordé aux entreprises privées des 8 pays de l’UEMOA*.

 *Les 8 pays membres de la BOAD : Bénin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinée Bissau, Mali, Niger, Sénégal et Togo

Le sommet du Conseil de l’Entente s’est achevé mardi à Niamey (Niger).Cette organisation sous-régionale, créée en 1959, regroupe le Bénin, le Burkina Faso, le Niger, la Côte d’Ivoire et le Togo.

Longtemps mis en sommeil, les Etats membres entendent la relancer en lui accordant un rôle politique de premier plan, tout en conservant la vocation économique avec la restructuration du Fonds d’entraide et de garantie du Conseil de l’entente (FEGECE). Le Conseil se défend de vouloir concurrencer la Cédéao. Maître mot, la complémentarité avec la Communauté économique régionale.

Discussion entre Faure Gnassingbé et ses homologues du Bénin (G) et du Niger

Les chefs d'Etat ont adopté le plan stratégique 2013-2016 et sont tombés d’accord pour faciliter les échanges en renforçant les infrastructures ferroviaires. En projet, une boucle Lomé-Cotonou-Niamey-Ouagadougou et Abidjan. Reste à trouver les financements.

Le président du Togo, Faure Gnassingbé, et ses homologues de la région ont également parlé sécurité avec une préoccupation commune face aux crises qui frappent plusieurs pays de la zone.

Faure Gnassingbé a regagné Lomé dans l’après-midi.

All our projects start with a research phase in which we define bussines objectives that guide us through the rest of the designing journey. Information architecture elements such as sitemaps and wireframe layouts are derived from these business objectives. Netgen delivers engaging visual solutions that are both inspirational and effective as a communication tool. We create future friendly designs that go further than the desktop, adaptable to different devices from tablets and smartphones to (long awaited) Internet enabled fridges :-)


eZ Publish CMS services (Heading 1)

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eZ Publish CMS services (Literal)

Developing and maintaining a successful web site today requires a variety of specific knowledge and skills. With experience gathered on more than 70 successful projects (some of which you can see in our on-line references) Netgen offers various services to guarantee the success of your project. With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service. (Paragraph)


Design, concept & Information Architecture. Every online project is in some way specific, which is why Netgen offers services to develop concepts and complete visual on-line identities for its clients. (bold paragraph)

Developing and maintaining a successful web site today requires a variety of specific knowledge and skills. (italic paragraph)

Developing and maintaining a successful web site today requires a variety of specific knowledge and skills. (underline paragraph)

Developing and maintaining a successful web site today requires a variety of specific knowledge and skills. (mixed formatting)

Developing and maintaining a successful web site today requires a Xvariety X2-3 of specific knowledge and skills. (subscript and superscript)

Developing and maintaining a successful web site today requires a variety of specific knowledge and skills. With experience gathered on more than 70 successful projects (some of which you can see in our on-line references) Netgen offers various services to guarantee the success of your project. With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service. (Paragraph right)

Developing and maintaining a successful web site today requires a variety of specific knowledge and skills. With experience gathered on more than 70 successful projects (some of which you can see in our on-line references) Netgen offers various services to guarantee the success of your project. With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service. (Paragraph left)

Developing and maintaining a successful web site today requires a variety of specific knowledge and skills. With experience gathered on more than 70 successful projects (some of which you can see in our on-line references) Netgen offers various services to guarantee the success of your project. With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service. (Paragraph centered)

Developing and maintaining a successful web site today requires a variety of specific knowledge and skills. With experience gathered on more than 70 successful projects (some of which you can see in our on-line references) Netgen offers various services to guarantee the success of your project. With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service. (Paragraph justified)

QUOTE - bez potpisa

Developing and maintaining a successful web site today requires a variety of specific knowledge and skills. With experience gathered on more than 70 successful projects (some of which you can see in our on-line references).

Developing and maintaining a successful web site today requires a variety of specific knowledge and skills. With experience gathered on more than 70 successful projects (some of which you can see in our on-line references) Netgen offers various services to guarantee the success of your project.

QUOTE - sa potpisom

Developing and maintaining a successful web site today requires a variety of specific knowledge and skills. With experience gathered on more than 70 successful projects (some of which you can see in our on-line references) Netgen offers various services to guarantee the success of your project.

− Koffi Undeto


Unnumbered list:

  • this is a first level item
  • this is also one
    • this is second level
      • this is third level
        • this is fourth level
  • enough

Numbered list:

  1. this is a first level item
  2. this is also one
    1. this is second level
      1. this is third level
        1. this is fourth level
        2. this is also one
  3. enough


Developing and maintaining a successful web site today requires a variety of specific knowledge and skills. With experience gathered on more than 70 successful projects (some of which you can see in our on-line references) Netgen offers various services to guarantee the success of your project. With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing. developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.

Custom tags

Video custom tag:

Embed blocks

With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.



Hag Haatzmaout Saméah*

Le président du Togo, Faure Gnassingbé, a adressé lundi un message de félicitations à son homologue israélien, Shimon Peres, dont le pays fête à partir de ce soir Yom Haatzmaout, le 66e anniversaire de l’indépendance.


With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.


With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.

With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, 


With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.

this is from html box Go to Google

A paragraph.With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008,


With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.

TEST - video external


With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.

TEST external video - Vimeo

VIDEO: (HTML5 video)

With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.



With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.



With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.

With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.

Image, align = none:

With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations!

With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.

With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.

Image, align = left:

With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations!

With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.

With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service. With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service. With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service. With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.

Image, align = right:

With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations!

With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service. With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service. With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service. With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.

Image, align = center:

With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations!

With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service. With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service. With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service. With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.

Images in a list:

With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.

With experience in developing websites based on eZ Publish CMS since 2003, Netgen offers you expertize in designing, developing and supporting existing installations. We are eZ Publish Silver Partner since 2008, working with our clients in Croatia and worldwide. Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers that can provide you first class service.


No class:

one two three four
With experience in developing websites Netgen offers you expertize in designing We are eZ Publish Silver Partner Our team includes certified eZ Publish developers

Class = cols:

type speed price
Jaguar 1000 km/h 1,000,000 kn
BMW 500 km/h 500,000 kn
Škoda 250 km/h 300,000 kn
Fićo ≈5 km/h daj šta daš

Class = default

type speed price
Jaguar 1000 km/h 1,000,000 kn
BMW 500 km/h 500,000 kn
Škoda 250 km/h 300,000 kn
Fićo ≈5 km/h daj šta daš


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